
Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα: I had A One Night Stand And It Ended – Uncomplicated Reveals video

Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα found herself playing Truth or Dare on Breakfast @ Star and talked about her personal life, among other things.

Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα played courage or truth on Breakfast@star with Mary Argyriadou. The charming singer spoke, among other things, about her very personal moments and the excitement that was created when her appearance was arranged in the occupied Cyprus.

Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα:I had a one night stand and it ended up Uncomplicated Reveals

“I’ve been intimate with a celebrity I admired,” she responded when Mary Argyriadou inquired about her celebrity crush.

“As of now, I’ve been single for two days, but generally, I haven’t been in a committed relationship for ten months to a year. I’ve had a few one-night stands, but one of them eventually turned into a full-fledged relationship,” Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα explained.

“I thought we were in a relationship for quite some time, but it seems he didn’t realize it. I was content being in a fantastic relationship with myself. However, the truth is that recently we decided to part ways… This relationship had been on and off for the past two years,” she added regarding her romantic involvement.

Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα and The Romantic Marriage Proposal

When asked if she had ever been in a relationship with a colleague, Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα confirmed, saying, “Yes, I’ve been in relationships with colleagues before. And I might as well be in one now.”

When faced with the choice between a marriage proposal and a ten-year contract with a major record label, she opted for the romantic marriage proposal.

“I think he’s the one for me, although he might not be aware of it,” Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα continued, laughing. “They offered me a car as a gift, but I declined it and accepted a bag instead,” the singer added.

“I had agreed to make an appearance, and they hadn’t specified whether it would be indoors or outdoors. I assumed it would be on our side, so when they informed me that there were posters on the other side, I responded by saying that I would always be on the right side, not the one that should not be for all of us,” Christina Koletsa Χριστίνα Κολέτσα emphasized regarding her appearance in Cyprus.

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